Best experience:
Happily relinquishing my illusion of control and contented self-sufficiency, because I want this man to always be on my team.
Best home project finally realized:
Building the back deck I've wanted since I bought my house, and then finally having a deck party with dear friends and visiting parrots.
Best trip:
Going to Florida to see my dad get married, even when I was driving back to the airport after three hours of sleep and every time I stopped for gas I kept finding more magic-markered wedding wishes the kids wrote all over my rental car.
Best creative activity:
Haiku postcard exchange, which meant I received not just bills and junk mail in my mailbox, but lovely words such as these from my friend Shawn M.:
your song, a current
strangers walking parallel
sad note sunshine air
strangers walking parallel
sad note sunshine air
Best songs to sing along to at the top of your lungs in the car:
"I Never Had Nobody Like You," M. Ward
"Carbon Monoxide," Regina Spektor (Couldn't find a link to this one, sorry!)
"Twist the Knife," Neko Case (Couldn't find a link to this one either...)
Best musical rediscovery:
The Smiths, all of 'em, but especially live versions of "What Difference Does It Make" and "London" almost make me long for teenage angst again (almost!) so I can do it properly and with a better soundtrack.
Best cheesy pop songs to dance around your house to:
"Umbrella," Rihanna (Thanks for reminding me of the joys of commercial pop, Aimee G.!)
"Heartbeats," The Knife (Synthesizer yumminess.)
"St. Petersburg," Brazilian Girls (I defy you not to dance to this one, sniffle-ushka.)
Best fragrance discovery:
Timbuktu, L'Artisan Parfumeur
How can incense be both smoky and green and speak like a living thing? I have no idea how Bertrand Duchaufour did it, but this one has just the most intriguing things to tell you. Robin at NowSmellThis did a review of Timbuktu that is so similar to my experience that I'm gonna be lazy and just link to that rather than bother with my own at the moment.
Best full-bottle purchases:
Muscs de Koublai Khan, Serge Lutens, from the lovely Nazrin at the theperfumeshoppe.com -- I've repeatedly contemplated traveling to Paris for the sole purpose of getting this skanky wonder, and it finally went export. So when you think about it, I just saved the cash for an entire trip to Paris by buying this bottle. Man, I'm so thrifty!
Woman, Ormonde Jayne, at ormondejayne.com when they had their fall sale -- I've wanted this one for a while, too, and now that I can indulge in spraying it rather than dabbing it from a little vial, it has revealed even more hidden depths and twisty hemlock notes up front. This stuff makes me feel all mysterious, even when I'm just in my pj's sick in bed with a cold.
Best website discovery:
thehypemachine grabs and compiles music tracks people post on the web for free. It's a total win for those of us who hate assessing a new iTunes purchase with a 20-sec-or-whatever clip, and I couldn't have linked up this post without it, either.
There are many other participants in this "Best of the best 2009" project--go read their blogs, too!First of all, many thanks to Elena at Perfume Shrine for initiating and organizing this joint blog project.
what a wonderful summation and sincere congrats on both the XY and house front :-)
Happy new year!!
I am so checking out your fave new website! Thanks for the tip.
Glad to be a part of this blog-fest with you!
Happy New Year,
Happy new year! sounds like 2009 has been a great one for you with the man, the decking, the perfumes and of course finding the Smiths- life wouldn't be the same without them. Hope 2010 is as good and more
Elena, thank you, and Happy New Year to you, too!
Dear Trish,
Hope you like the website, and Happy New Year!
Rose, I wish you only the best in 2010, too!
Hi Aimee, I really enjoyed your take on The Best, it's a pleasure blogging with you! A happy fragrant imaginative musical 2010 to you!
This is a very interesting and thought provoking list. :) I hope this year brings more fun experiences and trips and of course, great perfume discoveries. :)
Umbrella. Yes, for sure. Especially the extended mix with Jay-Z intro and fuller, fleshier exit. And Ormonde Woman. How I love it. Hope you have a good year. Thanks for all the wonderful posts: I particularly enjoy your writing about vintage finds. And thank you again for the sample of La Fuite des Heures. That moment of generosity was a highlight of my year.
Brian, I wish you a lovely new year, too. I'm so glad you were tickled about the La Fuite, and wish you luck with your projects!
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