Friday, September 11, 2009

Mitsouko is for today

It's raining. What's the big deal, you ask? No, you don't understand: it's Texas, and it's finally raining. What a relief. I could cry.

Well, okay the crying might also have something to do with it being 9/11 today, and I couldn't help reading some of the articles on The Morning News today, and remembering what it was like being in Boston on that day.

But this is not a 9/11 post. I just wanted to say that Mitsouko is perfect on a rainy day, and it's perfect on a sad day, and it's just abso-fucking-lutely perfect on an emotional bender day.

Today, Mitsouko is glowing like living creatures and undergrowth and funk and the sweetness of wet living tree bark and leaves. It's a whole, wet forest, even though I'm sitting in a cubicle copyediting precalculus activities. It's feeling. Tomorrow it'll feel different. And I'll feel different.

Image from parfumsdepub.

1 comment:

ScentScelf said...

Hey, Aimee...

Yours is the kind of post that I could have only listened to from the other side of the glass, until, um, about two weeks ago. Mitsouko. A door long closed is now opening for me...

...I'll be writing about that experience soon, but suffice to say, I could *always* have understood what you meant, but only recently understood how Mitsouko could serve that function.

Oddly...I don't know why oddly, I guess because they are clearly different rainy day Guerlain would have been L'Heure Bleu. Maybe my rainy sad day scent, period. Now you've got me thinking about weepy fragrances...