Saturday, December 13, 2008

Life Magazine on Perfume

An archive of Life Magazine's photos is now hosted by Google, and I looked up perfume. Here are some of my finds:The Perfumatic perfume vending machine, loaded with Tabu, Chanel #5, Lentheric Tweed, and Yardley (?) Lavender. Possibly the awesomest photo I've seen all year.

Greer Garson spraying perfume on her dogs, which is apparently some kind of veterinary-approved procedure, from the look of it.

Shoveling petals in a perfume factory, 1947.

A perfume vase found in Tutankhamen's tomb.


ScentScelf said...

Where is that machine now?!?!?!?!?!!!

Too cool. Fun. Thanks for the heads up on the fun.

lady jicky said...

I think the Vet is stunned! LOL

Rose said...

Wow! gorgeous. I WANT a perfume vending machine

Julie H. Rose said...

I'm so glad Abigail and Brian talked up your blog. I don't know why I hadn't stumbled upon it before.

I, too, want a perfumatic vending machine!

I'm looking forward to looking through those archives, too. Much fun!